Do you need to meet high demands on the quality of production, while maintaining high tact of production given by mass production of small parts? Do you want such devices to be used not only in the office but also in production areas?

The devices supplied for the field of electrical engineering can determine the exact size, monitor the flow of production, or calculate how much production is passing through the technology.

The obtained information can be used advantageously for more efficient management of mass production and guarantee output quality of production.

Because these devices, which can be used both in a workshop or office and in a production facility, can be adapted to specific conditions, they are suitable for integration into production lines. In those, they can be part of integrated solutions providing feedback on production control and thus contribute to improving and speeding up production.

Why choose our solution?

Simple and affordable equipment for production processes and production lines will greatly improve your production.

The devices are easy to maintain and calibrate, reducing production costs.

Working with larger volumes (doses) of products at a time.

We are here for smaller manufacturing companies as well as large international companies.

Selected solutions for this industry:

Part counting with production flow control

Component measurement in backlight illumination

Are you interested in our solutions or got a challenge for us? Let us know and let´s work together!

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